The 5 Optimal Online Interview Tips During COVID-19 Pandemic

Amidst this unprecedented period, there are many companies have decided to freeze hiring. However, some companies in the industries are still hiring for manpower.

The new normal has brought all economic activities to obey the new standard of procedures thus the shifting to online job interviews by most of the companies in Malaysia. With the embark of more new technologies, virtual meetings and online interviews have made recruitment activities easier.

Here are the 5 tips for job seekers on how to ace your online job interviews

1. Conduct research on the company 

This basic tip is still essential for all types of job interviews. Spend an extra effort learning about the company on its website or get to know its latest news coverage. Reflect on why you want to work there, will that be the place where you wish to start your career?

Extra tip: Read and understand the job advertisement by the company again. Understand on the key requirements that they are looking for and display the required skills during the interview.

2.  Set your interview space 

For the video interview, choose and prepare for a well-lit space with good lighting and most importantly a place with minimum distractions. Please ensure that you have a working internet connection to avoid any interruption throughout the interview.

You are probably familiar with most of the online conferencing programs or software, should you encounter a new program or software, it is recommended to download it in advance and understand how to use it before the interview

3. Practice your answer and promote your value

Research and compile common interview questions and how you can answer the questions. Remember to flaunt your value during the interview.

While talking, ensure to speak clearly and slowly, so that employers won’t be missing out on any of your important points.

4. Amplify your expressions

In a video interview, you need to feel engaged. You don’t want the interviewer to feel bored or disinterested in you. Ensure you practice your facial expressions.

5. Follow Up After the Interview 

Whether it is an online interview or not, be sure to always follow up with your interview within 2 to 7 days. You can start by sending a thank-you email.